RensenDriessen Book 2019
Dear Reader
In 2018 we’ve seen the overall inland shipping industry grow at a steady pace, driven by a recovered economy. Market lead times for new vessels are rising and quality levels are under pressure. At the same time we see market dynamics influenced by trends of globalization, urbanization, increasing strict emissions regulations, and digitization. With our customers we leverage the opportunities resulting from these trends and dynamics. As a shipyard independent company we have been able to expand our partner shipyard network while maintaining our high quality standard. We are collaborating, in addition to our home-based and eastern Europe based yards, with Chinese yards to push back delivery times and building cost. With our own dedicated people on the ground locally we ensure best in class quality control and project management. On the other hand our in-house design team has been heavily focusing on the drawing table developing new models to anticipate changing market requirements and adhere to ADN regulations and Stage V engine requirements. 2018 was also a year of exceptional low tides. This has led to the development of the low water runner (ie MoneyMaker 2.0 and MoneyMaker 3.0), an extended ship with a bigger floating surface thus allowing to sail lower tides. By investing time in ship design ahead of the market we deliver our clients minimum design time while guaranteeing future-proof designs. That is how we ensure minimal lead times and optimum quality. It is our renown RensenDriessen Standard. Delivered from our smart engineering to post-delivery support to our trading-in service. Every step along the way. All services under one roof brought to you by our dedicated and experienced team. And as we are approaching two corner stones in our history – our 1,000th launch is coming up later this year and our 40-year anniversary next year – I can safely say we are at the same time ensuring our team is future-proof with a new generation entering our board. I’m proud to announce Edwin Diepeveen has become a partner at RensenDriessen.
The newest of our 980 launches to date are in this book. I hope you enjoy reading it.
I wish you a prosperous business.
With the warmest wishes, on behalf of our entire team.
Wim Driessen
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