RensenDriessen Book 2019
SHIP DESIGN Never settle. Never compromise. That has been our design motto ever since our beginnings in 1980. Our designers are constantly tweaking and experimenting until we can confidently claim our ship designs do what they are supposed to do: help you bring out the best of your ship. Because at RensenDriessen, it’s all about you. The science of ship design starts with the art of the conversation. We’ll be listening closely, talking, and interpreting your exact needs, helping you imagine what an excellent ship would look like for your particular business. We’re here to meet and exceed your expectations on quality, delivery times, design, maintenance cost, and resale value. Every part of the design and development is supervised under one roof for optimal quality control. Our in-house design team has the extensive skills, expertise, and experience to translate your design requirements into a tailor-made vessel design, up until the very last detail. And if an existing design fits your purpose, we’re your partner too. The spirit of innovation drives every action at RensenDriessen. A continuous effort at developing cutting-edge technologies and design solutions allows us to create a positive customer experience and improve efficiencies. And that ultimately leads to value creation.
Sustainable value creation
Currently we are focusing a lot of effort on realistic applications of sustainable solutions. There is a lot talk about sustainability in itself and it is our firm believe there is only future for sustainable value creation, as sustainability and value creation need to go hand in hand in order to be future proof. That is why we integrate Clean Ship Design only in such ways it leads to value creation. We do this across the entire spectrum of design, including vessel design, materials used, propulsion installation, and other installations such as the recycling of waste heat. The Stage V motor development is a great example of sustainable value creation. Through our short lines of communication with the 3 biggest engine manufacturers we are capable to advice timely on the latest developments regarding stage V. For each design we will set out the best suited engine foundation.
From left to right: Matthijs, Ubbo and Sjon
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