Corporate book RensenDriessen 2016
Just like when he started on the building schemes for the mts Galapagos, Stevens found his way to RensenDriessen’s office in Zwijndrecht. During his conversation with Wim Driessen, Stevens elaborated on his wishes for the ship he envisioned. Even though it’s easy to outfit such a large ship with many extra features, unnecessary luxury has no place in Stevens’ philosophy. He did have one singular priority, though, for himself, his crew, and his client Unibarge. Stevens wanted a ship that was safe for the environment, as well as safe on board. For that crucial aspect, as well as all the other matters considering the essential reliability of the ship, Ubbo Rommerts of Rommerts Ship Design was given free rein to develop his ideas. During only the second conversation, the first 3D images of a high-quality tanker with dimensions of 135.00x17.50x6.10m were projected. The well thought-out design was that of a midship, and should be thought of as a characteristic construction vital to this kind of large ship. One of the ship’s eye-catching features is Rommert’s Tank Star software, installed in order to ensure the most safe and economical way of working on board. Tank Star is a program that fully conforms to the rules of classification societies. It’s been approved to make on-board longitudinal strength and stability calculations. “We’ve worked on it for two years,” Driessen says. “The mts Elisa S is the first ship we installed it on.” “When I look back on it, construction has been incredibly quick,” Stevens says. The hull construction in Romania took only five and a half months, after which the hull was delivered to The Netherlands during the winter. The completion process was a quick one as well, taking only three and a half months. Stevens: “Our trust in RensenDriessen was strengthened thanks to this quick delivery.”
The first glowing reviews came in during Stevens’ first trial sail of the ship. “She simply glides through the water,” he said. Two tough ABC-diesel engines boasting 1500 horse power in combination with the bow thrusters and rudders readily tackle any ruthless challenge the classification societies tend to set. The calculations Stevens received before RensenDriessen and Rommerts began construction completely match his practical experience with the ship in the last six months, no exceptions. “We haven’t been let down once,” is what we’re hearing. On top of that, Stevens is happily surprised with the ship’s sailing traits and manoeuvrability. “It sails just as well as a 110m ship, which pleases me immensely,” he says. “When you board a 135m ship when you’re only used to a 110m ship, a whole new world opens up to you.” Business-wise, how does Stevens look back on the second half of 2015? He’s hoping to build on all the good things that came to be during this period. Thankfully, we’ve also had some good fortune during this period. The international trade even broke out of its downward spiral, breathing new life into the market, something we didn’t dare dream would happen. Every little bit helps and part of that is the low-water period working in our favor. Stevens is happy with the mts Elisa and confesses he’s never had this much affinity for a ship. “All our wishes came true,” the successful entrepreneur beams. Just as the previous generations of the Stevens family, Ivo Stevens remains the picture of humility. As always, both his feet are planted firmly on the ground.
All our wishes came true
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