Corporate Book 2014 | Rensen-Driessen Shipbuilding BV
they appreciated the characteristics that make these ships unique. ‘They slide well through the water, are easy to manoeuvre and are capable of (de)ballasting quickly through the side and bottom of the ship. Even at 2.80 water depth there still is space for 2,170 tonnes.’ They are also very economical; rates of 10 percent were men- tioned. A colleague who was used to consuming 20 tonnes of gasoil couldn’t believe that he had used two tonnes less on that same trip. Freighters told Gasten that there is great demand for these ships for all destinations far into Germany and Belgium because of their favoura- ble draught. The signature Erik Gasten placed under his order mar- ked the beginning of the construction in Romania. He visited the shipyard in Orsova several times during the construction and Erik is very impressed by the high qua- lity standards. ‘They easily measure up to boatyards that build exclusive yachts.’ He looks back on a timely con- struction and completion-build of the hull that met all standards. His mts Anversa has been in service for two years now and Erik is very pleased with the ship’s charac- teristics and its operating profit. The Moneymaker does justice to its name; this ship shows its true colours.
Continuity and profitability Although Erik Gasten is a spontaneous entrepreneur, he always fully prepares himself for taking the right business decisions. He explores all opportunities and talks with va- rious candidates to expand his framework. Over the past twenty years Gasten has gained much experience within his businesses. He is looking for the ideal tanker that of- fers him the best chance of a profitable exploitation wit- hin the fluctuations of supply and demand and tariffs in transport business. Erik is very excited about everything Wim Driessen tells him about his Moneymaker. It turns
out that this vessel is a recurrent success for Rensen- Driessen Shipbuilding B.V. This ship could also be a solid foundation for the continuity and profitabili- ty of Gasten’s new company with which he wants to build his new ship. He’s fully aware of the importance of these two criterions for the finance of his business. Colleagues’ experiences Erik Gasten has joined colleagues on board of a Money- maker they had built previously. They told him how much
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